Aug 20 2023

Magical visit at European Para Championships

It was a magical sight, like out of a Disney fairy tale. On Sunday morning, the cruise ship Disney Dream docked in Rotterdam. The mega-sized boat passed the Kop van Zuid just after 10:30 a.m., where Hotel New York is finishing the finals of the Para Archery. On board the Disney Dream are over five thousand people: 4,000 passengers and 1,458 crew members, many of whom will assume the roles of Disney characters during the trip through Europe. All on-board activities fit into Disney themes, with vacationers taking advantage of their day in the Netherlands to see something of the country. Of course, many will bet on the windmills, canals and tulips, but good chance they will also take a look at the European Para Championships on the historic Kop van Zuid. In any case, the hand archers were suitably impressed by the colossus that passed by to dock at the Cruise Port Terminal on Wilhelminapier. The boat will leave Rotterdam again in the evening.

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