In a groundbreaking documentary, anticipated for release in 2024 ahead of the Paralympic Games in Paris, the incredible journey of the European Para Championships 2023 comes to life. You are taken on an inspiring journey through the world of EPC2023. From the visionaries behind the concept, such as founder Eric Kersten, to the very first tournament director, Jeroen Straathof, and the President of the International Paralympic Committee, Andrew Parsons.
The documentary also provides an in-depth look into the preparations, personal stories, challenges, and victories of some remarkable athletes, including Wheelchair Basketball athlete Bo Kramer, Taekwondoka Beth Munro, Wheelchair Tennis players Ahmet Kaplan, and the brothers Marcus & Max Laudan.
Aim High, Dream Big will touch hearts and celebrate sportsmanship, inclusivity and unprecedented performances! Keep an eye on the official channels of the European Para Championships for updates on the documentary and for now: enjoy a sneak peek into this remarkable journey.